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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/10/20
OCTOBER 20, 2008
7:00 PM
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present:        Richard Leone – Chairman, Frederick Gallup, Emma Smith, William
                Roach, Stephen White – Vice-Chairman, Donna Nashawaty – Town

Also Present: See sign-in sheet.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Leone.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW – See copy of agenda attached to minutes.


Van Webb – Conservation Easement
Van Webb introduced Brian Hutts, representative from the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests.  Mr. Hutts gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Virginia Soule property.  The property fronts on Fishers Bay at the end of Rolling Rock Rd. and has frontage on Lake Sunapee.  Mrs. Soule is willing to donate a conservation easement.  The Conservation Commission, LSPA, the Forest Society, and Mrs. Soule will be covering the expenses.  The easements will protect the water quality and scenic view and will encompass 16+ acres.  One acre, with the home, will not be included.  The easement land cannot be subdivided or developed.  A conservation easement is a restriction on the land in perpetuity.  The Forest Society is asking that the Town of Sunapee be the backup easement holder.  The town’s interest, as an option, could be conveyed to another organization in the future.  The Conservation Commission is contributing $3,750.00 toward the total expenses of $13,380.00.  There is a natural shoreline with 50 to 60 feet of native pine.  The dock will stay as is.  Ten acres are forested.  The allowable uses would be non-commercial recreation, gardening and cutting of trees and vegetation for private uses, and maintenance of the dock and sandy beach area.  Restrictions are no commercial agriculture or forestry, no development or subdivision, maintenance of 250 feet of natural vegetative buffer to the lake, prohibit the use of pesticides and fertilizers within 250 feet of the lake, and other customary easement restrictions.  

The Forest Society will be covering the expenses up front with reimbursement from the Conservation Commission, LSPA, and Mrs. Soule for their portions.  

Steve White asked if the tax benefit for the landowner is better than current use and Mr. Hutts replied that they are the same.  Donna advised that the Board of Selectmen will not have to have a public hearing to accept the land, but the Conservation Commission will have to hold a public hearing to spend their funds.  Mr. Hutt advised that they plan to close on the project on Thursday.  Van Webb reported that the Conservation Commission voted to endorse the project and the Planning Board also voted to endorse the project at their last meeting.  Steve noted that this is an excellent opportunity for the Board of Selectmen to do their part in protecting the property.  A motion was made by Steve White to accept the property.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.  

7:24 PM – A shore recess was called.

7:28 PM – The meeting resumed

Coalition Survey Responses from Candidates
The Board reviewed the responses from the candidates (see attachment) Suzanne Gottling, Harry Gale, Bob O’Dell, and Jay Phinizy on the following:
Where do you stand on Education Funding?
  • As long as the Statewide Property Tax exists, there is a risk for “Donor” communities.  Do you support the elimination of the Statewide Property Tax?  All answered yes.
  • A constitutional amendment would allow the State to target aid to the neediest communities rather than allocate funding for every pupil, including those in wealthy towns.  This would reduce the overall cost to the State and the need for “Donor” communities.  Do you support a constitutional amendment for such true targeted aid?  Ms. Gottling, Mr. Gale, and Mr. O’Dell answered yes.  Mr. Phinizy answered no.
  • The current education funding formula will “hold harmless” “Donor” communities until July 1, 2011.  Would you support legislation to extend this provision beyond that date?  All answered yes.
  • In light of the budget crisis, would you support legislation to eliminate the “hold harmless” provision before 7/1/2011, requiring “donor” communities to send excess Statewide Property Taxes to other towns, even those with higher median incomes?  Ms. Gottling, Mr. O’Dell, and Mr. Phinizy all answered no.  We don’t know Mr. Gale’s answer, but he did enclose a letter.
Mr. Phinizy enclosed a cover letter.  The letters are on record.  (See attachment)

Rocco Pignataro Deed
Donna explained that the money has been paid.  A deed had to be drawn up for signatures.  The Board of Selectmen signed the deed.  Fred expressed concern for people having trouble paying their taxes and Steve noted that they have to hold the line on the budget.

APPOINTMENTS (continued)
Scott Blewitt – Playground Discussion
Scott advised that he has been approached by Gil Pierce.  Mr. Pierce would like to give funds to build a playground in town in memory of his wife.  Scott is asking the Board for direction to proceed.  It could be just a playground and there could be other elements to go along with it.  The Recreation Committee has several potential sites and each has its pros and cons.  The playground will be about 100’ by 100’.  Donna advised that the family would do some fund raising to make the additional money to meet the cost of the playground.  Steve suggested that the Recreation Committee put an article in their newsletter and ask for input.  Donna advised that it would take a public hearing to accept the money.

Scott reported that one of the potential sites is Veterans Field.  However, the playground would be for preschool children and that is too close to the elementary school.  Some of the other potential sites are Ski Tow Hill, Coffin Park, and Dewey Woods.  Steve advised that Ski Tow Hill was designated for recreational use.  Pat Hall thought that most people will drive as preschool children will not walk.  Donna advised that the playground will be for older children also and that the equipment would be marked with the appropriate ages.  Barbara Cooper stated that they would want it to be in a central location.  Steve suggested that they come back with a recommended location and that they could have a public hearing.  Bill Roach noted that the biggest issue with Veterans Field is the parking.  Steve asked Scott if he wants a sense of the Board and Scott replied that he does.  Fred stated that Ski Tow Hill is a good option, but he is open to other options.   Bill agreed that Ski Tow Hill is a good option as there is the opportunity for expansion and for a parking lot.  Scott stated that he will be applying for land conservation water fund grant money.  The other Board members were surveyed and were in favor of a playground.

Terms for Appointment Letters
Donna advised the Board that they need length of terms on the appointment letters for the Budget Advisory Committee and the Beautification Oversight Committee.

Beautification Oversight Committee – Donna advised that they should have one 1 year term, one 2 year term, and one 3 year term.  Barbara Cooper stated that it would be better to have terms of more than one year and Donna explained that it is staggered only for the first time and then the terms are for 3 years after that.  Donna Gazelle suggested that her term be for one year, Barbara Cooper’s for two years, and Diane Guyer’s for three years.  The Board members agreed and the term expirations were set for 10/1/2009. 10/1/2010, and 10/1/2011.

Budget Advisory Committee – Donna explained that there are currently 4 members.  This is a 5 member board, so there is still one vacancy.  William Boyce, Spec Bowers, and Charlie Smith are the new members.  Donna suggested one 2 year term and two 3 year terms and Fred suggested that they do two 2 year terms and one 3 year term.  The Board agreed that the term expirations would be 10/1/2010 for William Boyce and Charlie Smith, and 10/1/2011 for Spec Bowers.  Donna advised that the BAC will be meeting tomorrow at 5:00 PM.

Meeting with Water & Sewer and Perkins Pond
The meeting with the Water & Sewer Department and representatives from the Perkins Pond Association is scheduled to October 27, 2008 at 7:00 PM.  Donna advised that this will be a work session.  Steve stated that we don’t have the $12,000.00 and would have to go to town meeting for approval and then, the following year, go to town meeting again for approval of the project.  He suggested that the property owners at Perkins Pond see if they can raise the $12,000.00 and then factor that amount into the amount to be raised to do the sewer.  Then the money could be returned to the property owners if the project passes.  Donna suggested that they send out to 3 or 4 engineers for bids to do the work on projecting the cost.

Job Descriptions and Pay Table Classifications
Donna reviewed the job description changes and pay table classifications.  They are as follows:
  • Pay table clarification – Assessing Assistant change to Assessing Technician
  • Grade 1015 pay grade for Assessing Technician – about $1.00 per hour higher.
  • Job description for part time Secretary for the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Fire Department.
  • Adopt grade change.  Remove Secretary Fire Department, Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment.  All part time secretary positions to be Grade 1011.
(See attachment)
A motion was made by Fred Gallup to approve 1-4 as presented for job descriptions and payable adjustments, as well as accept the pay table draft.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously.  

Tax Rate
Donna will be in Concord tomorrow to set the tax rate.  She reported that the school has a new part time business administrator and he will be going with her.

Bill advised that the only increase in the tax bill this year is because of the County.  A new Sullivan County Accountability Standards Committee has been formed.  The towns of Sunapee, Claremont, Newport, and Grantham contribute 62% of the county budget.  The new committee will approach the boards to require Sullivan County to put in a CFO who would report to the County Manager and to require the immediate creation of a detailed strategic plan to return the county home to solvency.  They must show that expenses not exceed revenues (see attachment).  Steve advised that this is an ad hoc committee and that he and Bill will follow up and report back to the Board of Selectmen.  There will also be a press release.

Landfill Tours
Fred reported that there will be a tour of the Lebanon, NH and Hartland, VT landfills in November if anyone would like to go.  Steve will get the date to the Board members.

Harbor Cleanup and Benches
Fred reported that the cleanup in the harbor was done on Saturday.  There are two benches that need to be relocated and one new bench that needs to be placed.  They are proposing to relocate the bench in the waterfront area directly in front of the tree, close to where it is now.  The second bench, near the boat launch road, will be moved further in from the road and placed in front of the maple tree.  The third bench, new, will be placed in front of the new birch tree by the Ben Mere parking lot.  He asked if those locations are acceptable to the Board.  The posts for the steps will be set in the next week or so.  A motion was made by Emma Smith to accept the proposed locations and to set policies by next spring.  The motion was seconded by Steve White.  Steve stated that the petition from the last meeting stated that they like the beautification in the harbor and asked that the Board expand the Beautification Oversight Committee to 5 members and appoint 2 members from the Board of Selectmen.  The Board decided to appoint one member from the Board of Selectmen.  He thinks they have met the issues of the petition and thinks they should increase the committee to 5 members.  Bill stated that he was in the harbor last weekend and observed the large group working on the gardens.  He likes the idea of moving the benches close to trees so they don’t interfere with the green space and would like to see the rest left open.  He suggested that, in the future, if there are more benches to be placed, that they think about the river walkway as he feels there is enough seating area in the harbor.  Vote on the motion – 4 in favor, 1 abstention (RL).

Fred advised that the next meeting of the Beautification Oversight Committee will be on October 27, 2008 at 5:00 PM.

The meeting adjourned at 9:07 PM.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith